All You Need to Know to Gift Promo Products This Holiday Season

October 6, 2023

If you’re planning to gift promo products this year, there are a few essential things you need to consider. As a promotional products company, we’re well-suited to tell you all the information you need to bring to the table before getting started.

  1. Budget

    We’re able to best help our clients when we begin with a budget in mind. It allows us to support you through the process if we know exactly what you’re looking for and how much you’re planning to spend.

  2. Quantity

    Before beginning, we’ll need to know how many items you need. Are you looking for a bulk order? Are you looking for just a few pieces?

  3. Audience/Direction/Theme

    Are you giving these gifts at a corporate party? Are these going to be high-end items you’re sending to select clients? Are you theming your holiday branding? We’ll need all of this information before we get started working together!

  4. Timeline

    If you want your orders to come in on time, it’s best to have a realistic timeline in mind. We recommend that you give at least a month before your order to allow for manufacturing and delivery times. It might sound early, but most companies begin ordering their gifts in October!

When you bring all of this information to us, we can get started crafting a promotional campaign for the holidays that your recipients are going to love. We’re able to help you customize the entire experience, from the product to the packaging.

If you’re interested in gifting promo products this holiday season, be sure to contact us now to get started!

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