8 Tips for Writing a Great Case Study

September 29, 2023

The most important thing to know about case studies is that they tell potential clients your story. It’s no small job, and that means you’ve got to put in the time when you’re crafting them. When you follow these steps and take the time needed, you’re sure to create case studies that keep the clients coming.


What Is a Case Study?

Case studies are stories of a client’s experience with your company that showcases the successes you achieve while working with them.  Believe it or not, case studies are used in a variety of situations. But the place you’ll see them most often is in marketing, as they help to open doors. Think of it as a curated behind-the-scenes view for future clients.


Why Should You Utilize Case Studies?

Telling the stories of real clients allows future clients to get a look at what the experience of working with your company is like. It allows future clients to see how engaging with your company can help them to meet their goals.

Writing case studies also allows the clients you’re writing about to see the pride your company takes in the work you completed together. It reaffirms why they chose you and why they’re going to continue choosing you.

According to Marketing Charts, research and case studies are the most trusted marketing content. It’s trusted by 60% of polled audiences.


Starting Point for a Case Study

Before you even start writing, you should consider the length of your study. Your case study doesn’t have to be a particular length, but it should not be lengthy. You want to be succinct and to the point, but it should also thoroughly cover everything. Avoid the desire to make your case studies overly wordy and full of fluff – this is the time to get to the point.

Come ready with all of the data and information that you’ll need. Before the writing process, all the research and information should be compiled. You want as many tangible facts and statistics as possible to help your writing process.


Tips for Writing a Stellar Case Study

  1. Identify the top three things you want to highlight.
    You don’t want to overwhelm readers with information, so be sure that you consider the top three points you’d like to highlight in your case study. That will help keep you on track and ensure you cover all of your bases.
  2. Tell a story.
    It’s essential that you tell a story when you’re writing anything, but especially a case study. You want your case study to draw in new clients and show off the skills and personality of your company. Be sure that you’re starting at an angle that allows you to expand and tell the story.
  3. Introduce the client.
    You can’t have a successful case study without a client, so be sure that you introduce them at the top and introduce them well. Be sure that you’re painting a picture of the industry, what makes the client unique, and what makes the client a great partner for you. This is your chance to impress future clients and to show your appreciation to the client you’re highlighting.
  4. State the problem.
    Let the audience know why your client came to you. This is going to show future clients the sort of work you’re equipped to do.
  5. Introduce your product or service.
    This is the chance for you to show future clients where your skills lie. You can take the chance to show off what you can do and what you’re proud of. You don’t want the case study to be about you, but you don’t want to miss out on a chance to show off your work, either!
  6. Show results and prove it!
    Take the results of the relationship between you and your client and use them to wrap up the story. This is where you can use all of those terrific stats you pulled at the beginning.
  7. Make it multi-format.
    A successful case study is a multi-format case study. You’re not just using your brilliant writing, you’re also using data, and data often works best when it’s displayed visually. Don’t be afraid to pull in your graphics team to design charts. Be sure that any photos or visuals of your work are included where appropriate.
  8. Don’t forget a call to action!
    Finally, be sure that you include a call to action. That’s the crucial, finishing touch to ensure your case study is working to bring in new clients!

Armed with these tips, get started crafting fantastic case studies!

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